Bethany Healing Foundation

Bethany Healing Foundation Incorporated is a small-scale charity established in 2006. Their main activity is registered as mental health and crisis intervention primarily serving general community in Australia.

During 2019 Bethany Healing Foundation engaged in providing support and training in the areas of suicide prevention, mental health and lifeskills development. Community Training included SafeTALK and ASIST which are internationally accredited suicide prevention skills courses, Mental Health First Aid training, MentalHealth and Suicide Prevention Community Awareness Sessions. There was also training on Thriving Under Pressure Life Balance Stress Management And other Lifeskills courses Community outreach support worked with community members at risk of suicide and living with mental illness and PTSD. Some short term Accomodation support was also provided Volunteers provided advocacy on numerous occasions for community members.

Who They Help

  • Families
  • Financially disadvantaged people
  • People with disabilities
  • General community in Australia


Sundays  1.00pm to 7.00pm 



30 East Street Murrumbateman NSW 2582